Our Services

From the basic fundamentals to Advance strokes and techniques

Indogulf Yoga & Wellness in association with Prachi Fitness and Yoga instructions CR 109026-01 is committed to bring quality training program through their collaboration and resources of eminent teachers in the various areas of wellness and fitness with Yoga.

Our organization provides the best of the masters, trainers in the field of training imparted in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The objective of our organization is to provide the best trainings, Trainers in the area of our specialization to deliver the best to the clients.

Fitness and wellness as a tool include a wide range of functions such as instruction, persuasion, education, entertainment, development and so on. Over the ages, all the fitness mediums have evolved themselves to accommodate the various needs of our Physical, mental and emotional needs and this is true of the “Indogulf” as well.

This organization is a humble endeavor towards interpreting those extra needs of our existing health clubs where they have the entire required infrastructure for any group or personal trainings program but lacks in manpower and trainers that can significantly contribute towards ably performing the various needs. “INDOGULF’ is unique in its approach to provide the best in area of trainings and in its continuous search for excellence has pioneered many events in the past

Dr. Manoj Kumar Pandey